European Corner
L’European Corner és un espai web que té per objectiu visibilitzar els projectes europeus dels investigadors catalans en el marc de la Nit de la Recerca. Descobreix quines innovacions s’estan desenvolupant en el nostre territori!
Pots consultar també més projectes europeus de:
Posters European Corner 2022
Cardiovascular health among night shift workers and stress-related pathways
Poster European Corner
Advanced 2D materials for Surface Plasmon resonance-based electronic Noses
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
SMARTDEST – Cities as mobility hubs: tackling social exclusion through ‘smart’ citizen engagement
Poster European Corner
EUROPEAN HEALTH CARE FINAL DISSERTATION: a digital, international, and collaborative co-designed model to address health care societal challenges
Poster European Corner
WATERSCAN WATER pollution warning System Combining bioAssays on passive sampling extracts and real time mixture toxicity detectioN ;officially approved by resolutions Tecniospring INDUSTRY
Poster European Corner
Justice, Women and Climate induced-migration: A time for discourse
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Diving into museum collections to find the archaeological island deer
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
“Bridging the gap in Housing Studies” (Housing+)
Poster European Corner
IN-WORk Inclusive communities at work
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Martí i Franquès MSCA COFUND Doctoral Programme
Poster European Corner
Cognitive Battery Test for the extension of a Neurodegenerative Diseases Decision Support System
Poster European Corner
CGI-Clinics: Data-driven cancer genome interpretation for personalised cancer treatment
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
ESiWACE3 – Towards exascale weather and climate simulations
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
NET4Age-Friendly (International Interdisciplinary Network on SHAFE)
Poster European Corner
SIRENE (Social Innovation Responsive Environments NETwork)
Poster European Corner
RadioVal (Empowering Personalised Treatment of Breast Cancer Patients)
Poster European Corner
OneAquaHealth project
Poster European Corner
Strengthening eHealth including telemedicine and remote monitoring for health care systems for cancer prevention and care (eCAN)
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Prototype of Innovative High Barrier Home Compostable Film from Diverse Renewable Sources for Food Packaging Applications
Poster European Corner
Effects of phenolic compounds on alterations caused by disruption of the circadian rhythm
Poster European Corner
BioNT: Training and Professionalisation in Computational Life Sciences
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Biomarker signatures of diet, physical activity and sleep in children and youth
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Transformation of softwood mixture into hydrogen by catalytic and biological processes
Poster European Corner
Software development for biocatalytic process optimization (Tecniospring INDUSTRY)
Poster European Corner
CLOUDSTARS: Cloud Open Source Research Mobility Network
Poster European Corner
NEARDATA: Extreme Near-Data Processing Platform
Poster European Corner
CloudSkin: Adaptive virtualization for AI-enabled Cloud-edge Continuum
Poster European Corner
Sustainable development of tailor-made smart catalysts for industrial processes and energy
Poster European Corner
Genetic implication of sperm Toroid Linker Regions
Poster European Corner
A social-based theory of bilingual adaptations on cognition and their impact on language processing
Poster European Corner
DEvelopment oF a T14 Inhibitor for Treatment of ColoRectal Cancer (DEFIT-CRC)
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Project: Equality policies in the Spanish university: a study of the Gender gap in academia
Poster European Corner
ATHLETE (Advancing Tools for Human Early Lifecourse Exposome Research and Translation) project
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
EPINED – Neurodevelopmental Disorders Epidemiological Project
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Gender Equitable Interactions Online. Supporting Gender Equity in Work-Based Videoconferencing (GEiO)
Poster European Corner
INTERWEAVE: Impacts of climate variations during the last interglacial in Western Europe using small vertebrates
Poster European Corner
MALMO – Tecniospring INDUSTRY
Poster European Corner
Next-generation chemical synthesis by means of supramolecular catalysis
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
HYLIGHT (Hyperspectral imaging for embryo selection)
Poster European Corner
Evaluation of Treatments for the Removal of Microplastics in Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants
Poster European Corner
N-SPIRE: The Neanderthal nose: reconstruction of shape, function and adaptations
Poster European Corner
B-BRIGHTER · Better Bioprinting by Light-Sheet Lithography
Poster European Corner
BLOC: Benchtop NMR for lab-on a-chip
Poster European Corner
Early detection of cervical cancer in hard-to-reach populations of women through portable and point of-care HPV testing
Poster European Corner
Community-based HPV screening Implementation in Low-Income countries
Poster European Corner
Innovation for Sustainability and Societal relevance: Partnerships in evidence-based higher education on food systems and climate change
Poster European Corner
Posters European Corner 2023
Housing +
Posters European Corner 2020
Posters European Corner 2021
Signs of Early Adaptation to Climate Change (EARLY-ADAPT)
Posters European Corner 2020
HIGHMEMORY: investigar com el cervell codifica i emmagatzema les associacions incidentals
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Health virtual twins for the personalised management of stroke related to atrial fibrillation (TARGET)
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
Poster European Corner
BIOMARKID: Biomarker signatures of diet, physical activity and sleep in children and youth
Poster European Corner
AUTHERAPIES Upgrading competences for choosing evidence-based therapies for people with autism, their relatives and their key professionals
Poster European Corner
A comprehensive CAD system based on radiologic- and pathologic-image biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of breast cancer relapse
Poster European Corner
A New Measure of Socioeconomic Inequalities for International Comparison (INCASI2)
Poster European Corner
ESiWACE3 – The Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe
Poster European Corner
EmpowerUs. Socio-economic Empowerment of coastal communities as users of the sea to ensure sustainable coastal development
Poster European Corner
PHOTOTHERAPORT (Luminescent implants as ports for light-based therapies)
Poster European Corner
SCAVENGERS. Carnivores in human settlements: a new and different way to address the Middle Palaeolithic record
Poster European Corner
INTEGER – Interconnecting 4 Helix Innovation Ecosystems in European Regions
Poster European Corner
Quantum Secure Networks Partnership (QSNP)
Poster European Corner
Advanced Point-of-Care Tool for Stratified Treatment in High Risk Cardiovascular Patients
Poster European Corner
SOREC2 – SOlar Energy to power CO2 REduction towards C2 chemicals for energy storage
Poster European Corner
vCity: Are Barcelona climate shelters accessible to heat-vulnerable populations?
Poster European Corner
Implementing Cationic Paths in Aliphatic C-H Oxidation
Poster European Corner
Back in Town
Poster European Corner
Photoelectrochemical Oxidation of Methane using Single Atom Catalysts
Poster European Corner
Migratory 1,n-fluoroalkylcarboxylation of non-activated alkenes via dual photoredox/ Nickel catalysis
Poster European Corner
Electrocatalytic oxidation of water and reduction of Carbon Dioxide using Covalent Organic Frameworks
Poster European Corner
Design of Bioinspired Chromophore-Protein Complexes for Color Converting Layers of Organic Light Emitting Diodes
Poster European Corner
S/P-Coordinated Transition Metal Single Sites-doped Carbon Matrices as Electrocatalysts for Nitrogen Reduction
Poster European Corner
The development of bio-supported homogeneous organocatalysts with improved recycling potential through sequential de- and re-polymerization and their use in CO2 valorization catalysis
Poster European Corner

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Aquest projecte està cofinançat pel programa de recerca i innovació Horizon Europe de la Unió Europea sota el projecte NitRecerCat2425 (101162003).
This project is co-funded by the European Union’s research and innovation programme Horizon Europe, under the project NitRecercat2425 (101162003).