Nom i cognoms / Name and surname
Ignacio Becerril Romero
Afiliació / Affiliation
Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC)
Programa de finançament europeu en que s’enmarca aquest projecte? / European funding programme in which this project is being carried out?
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Schemes
Títol del projecte / Project title
New machine Learning process monitoring methodologies based on spectroscopic techniques for in-line inspection of thin film PV industrial manufacturing processes (MALMO) (Tecniospring INDUSTRY)
Número del projecte / Project number
Breu explicació del projecte / Brief explanation of your project
Thin film photovoltaics (TFPV) devices represent a step forward for solar energy as they expand the niches of application of PV and can be mass-produced in a cost-effective way. However, their industrial production is highly complex and small manufacturing deviations result in defective products and waste of high value materials, energy and time. In this context, MALMO is devoted to developing and demonstrating advanced statistical and machine learning process monitoring methodologies for the TFPV industry that minimize this issue enabling an early detection of deviations during manufacturing. These are implemented in a XRF-Raman-photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopic inspection platform in an existing industrial Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar foil roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing pilot line (SUNPLUGGED GmbH, Austria).
Enllaç a la pàgina web del projecte / Link to your project website
Repte en que s’emmarca aquest projecte / Challenge within the framework of this project
1. Adaptation to Climate Change: support at least 150 European regions and communities to become climate resilient by 2030, 4. 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030