BioNT: Training and Professionalisation in Computational Life Sciences

Poster European Corner

Nom i cognoms / Name and surname

Elisabeth Ortega

Afiliació / Affiliation

R&D&I Manager

Programa de finançament europeu en que s’enmarca aquest projecte? / European funding programme in which this project is being carried out?

EU support (FP7, H2020, etc.) other than MSCA

 Títol del projecte / Project title

BioNT: Training and Professionalisation in Computational Life Sciences

 Número del projecte / Project number


Breu explicació del projecte / Brief explanation of your project

BioNT is an international consortium of nine partners, including six academic entities and three Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs). The vision of the consortium is to provide a high-quality training program and community for digital skills relevant to the biotechnology industry and biomedical sector.

The training model designed by the project proponents encodes the following missions:
– To provide high-quality courses in the context of two coherently designed curricula; the first aimed at enhancing the basic digital skills coverage of staff and job seekers in the healthcare and biotechnology fields, and the second at empowering technological leaders and innovators.
– To have a beneficial impact not only on the course participants, but also on their communities, supporting the development of basic levels of digital intensity in SMEs and businesses in the focus sectors.
– To ensure the community and activities sustainability beyond the project duration, through the empowerment of the individuals involved in the project, as well as of their business-specific, sector-specific, language-specific, etc. communities. By treating the training content itself in a FAIR way, we can generate communities around the training program using collaborative approaches (such as social coding) to create sustainably maintained pedagogical content.

 Enllaç a la pàgina web del projecte / Link to your project website

Repte en que s’emmarca aquest projecte / Challenge within the framework of this project

Does not apply



Amb el suport de:

Amb el finançament de:

Aquest projecte està cofinançat pel programa de recerca i innovació Horizon Europe de la Unió Europea sota el projecte NitRecerCat2425 (101162003).

This project is co-funded by the European Union’s research and innovation programme Horizon Europe, under the project NitRecercat2425 (101162003).