Nom i cognoms / Name and surname
Camilla Masullo
Afiliació / Affiliation
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Programa de finançament europeu en que s’enmarca aquest projecte? / European funding programme in which this project is being carried out?
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Schemes
Títol del projecte / Project title
A social-based theory of bilingual adaptations on cognition and their impact on language processing
Número del projecte / Project number
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 945413
Breu explicació del projecte / Brief explanation of your project
The core aim of this project is to develop a social-based theory of bilingual adaptations, with a particular focus on bilingual language processing. The social dimension of bilingual language processing will be addressed through considering all the sociolinguistic variables which shape the bilingual experience of different linguistic populations, namely Italian monolinguals, Italian-Spanish bilinguals, Italian-Pavese and Italian-Agrigentino bidialectals. Considering bilinguals of both standard and non-standard languages has the potential to highlight the role of specific social factors behind language processing and could contribute to filling the literature gap on bilingualism with minority languages. Furthermore, measuring the specific social and sociolinguistic factors behind the bilingual experience will enable a precise description of different bilingual communities through the application of social network models. Overall, analyzing the understudied social variables of the bilingual experience and the role of linguistic register on language processing will allow us to develop a social-based framework to further understand how we process our languages, and how different bilingual experiences can culminate into different types of bilingual adaptations.
Enllaç a la pàgina web del projecte / Link to your project website
Repte en que s’emmarca aquest projecte / Challenge within the framework of this project
Does not apply