Nom i cognoms / Name and surname
Barbara Vastenavond
Afiliació / Affiliation
Universitat Rovira i virgili
Programa de finançament europeu en que s’enmarca aquest projecte? / European funding programme in which this project is being carried out?
EU support (FP7, H2020, etc.) other than MSCA
Títol del projecte / Project title
Community-based HPV screening Implementation in Low-Income countries
Número del projecte / Project number
Breu explicació del projecte / Brief explanation of your project
Global implementation of cancer screening can be hindered by differences in cultures and available resources between countries. The EU-funded CHILI project addresses this challenge by determining the acceptability, feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the ELEVATE cervical cancer screening tool for women in low-income countries. This portable, battery-powered device comprises a human papillomavirus DNA test and a proteomic biomarkers detection sensor. Social scientists will investigate current screening practices and draw up a tailored strategy embedded in the current health system, while engineers will validate the self-testing device and adapt it for large-scale manufacturing at an affordable cost. Public health specialists and health economists will then evaluate the implementation of the screening tool to determine its suitability and cost-effectiveness.
Enllaç a la pàgina web del projecte / Link to your project website
Repte en que s’emmarca aquest projecte / Challenge within the framework of this project
2. Cancer: working with Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention, cure and solutions to live longer and better