Software development for biocatalytic process optimization (Tecniospring INDUSTRY)

Poster European Corner

Nom i cognoms / Name and surname

Nicholus Bhattacharjee

Afiliació / Affiliation

Zymvol Biomodeling SL

Programa de finançament europeu en que s’enmarca aquest projecte? / European funding programme in which this project is being carried out?

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Schemes

 Títol del projecte / Project title

Software development for biocatalytic process optimization (Tecniospring INDUSTRY)

 Número del projecte / Project number


Breu explicació del projecte / Brief explanation of your project

The project which is also know as ENZIMMO-P (ENZyme IMMobilization Platform) has two main goals: (1) To develop a software able to speed up the optimization stage of His-tag based affinity immobilization exercises (ZYMVOLVER-iMMO), and (2) Apply it for the efficient immobilization of a proprietary peroxygenase (gzPO). The process of enzyme immobilization on solid surfaces provides several industrial advantages which include easier reusability, enzyme recovery, generally improved enzyme stability under storage and operating conditions, enhanced activity, optimized selectivity or specificity, etc. The currently used immobilization protocols are empiric-based in nature and need extensive screening and condition optimization. In this current project we are designing an in silico protocol to allow a highly efficient, cost-effective enzyme immobilization. Furthermore, Zymvol in collaboration with Gecco Biotech has recently developed a set of proprietary peroxygenases (gzPO) which show enhanced stability and whose immobilization would boost their industrial application. The immobilization protocol developed in this project will be applied to immobilize the gzPO efficiently.

 Enllaç a la pàgina web del projecte / Link to your project website

Repte en que s’emmarca aquest projecte / Challenge within the framework of this project

Does not apply



Amb el suport de:

Amb el finançament de:

Aquest projecte està cofinançat pel programa de recerca i innovació Horizon Europe de la Unió Europea sota el projecte NitRecerCat2425 (101162003).

This project is co-funded by the European Union’s research and innovation programme Horizon Europe, under the project NitRecercat2425 (101162003).