Nom i cognoms / Name and surname
Francesca Rosignoli
Afiliació / Affiliation
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Programa de finançament europeu en que s’enmarca aquest projecte? / European funding programme in which this project is being carried out?
EU support (FP7, H2020, etc.) other than MSCA
Títol del projecte / Project title
Justice, Women and Climate induced-migration: A time for discourse
Número del projecte / Project number
Breu explicació del projecte / Brief explanation of your project
The project “Justice, Women and Climate induced-migration: A time for discourse” is financed by the “Maria Zambrano grant to attract international talent for 2021-2023.” It provides insights into the terminology in use, the gap in legislation, and existing narratives that are shaping the debate linking gender, climate change, justice, and migration. In particular, it addresses the following questions: How the gender dimension is discussed in the context of climate-induced migration? Which narratives are shaping the debate? What is and will be the role of EU institutions (EU Parliament, EU Commission, and the European Council) in addressing this pressing issue? How the selected EU institutions are addressing this pressing issue? Which strategies are envisioned to tackle the problem?
Enllaç a la pàgina web del projecte / Link to your project website
Repte en que s’emmarca aquest projecte / Challenge within the framework of this project
1. Adaptation to Climate Change: support at least 150 European regions and communities to become climate resilient by 2030