ICONIC Número del projecte / Project number 101115204 Nom i cognoms / Name and surname Marta Martin Afiliació / Affiliation ICFO Breu explicació del projecte / Brief explanation of your project Inspirant-nos en el funcionament dels cicles naturals del...


    TinyBrains Número del projecte / Project number 101017113 Nom i cognoms / Name and surname Marta Martin Afiliació / Affiliation ICFO Breu explicació del projecte / Brief explanation of your project An optical neuroimaging device to understand the...


    DILECTINGS Número del projecte / Project number KA220-SCH-2CA4CF2E Nom i cognoms / Name and surname MIREIA CANALS BOTINES Afiliació / Affiliation UVic-UCC Breu explicació del projecte / Brief explanation of your project The goal of this research is to...
An open, multicentre, prospective, non-interventional study of the CE-marked medical device GlucoTab, according to intended use without additional invasive and stressful measures with a matched retrospective control group

An open, multicentre, prospective, non-interventional study of the CE-marked medical device GlucoTab, according to intended use without additional invasive and stressful measures with a matched retrospective control group

    An open, multicentre, prospective, non-interventional study of the CE-marked medical device GlucoTab, according to intended use without additional invasive and stressful measures with a matched retrospective control group Número del projecte / Project...